Two more great reviews to share today. The first in a series by Rin Chupeco, The Girl from the Well, and the second is from indie author William Sterling, String Them Up.
Enjoy, I know I did!
The Girl from the Well
By Rin Chupeco
The Girl from the Well is a beautifully written story of a boy being hunted by a vengeful spirit, and his families fight to save him from what haunts him. The story combines modern times with ancient Japanese folklore to deliver a captivating mystery wrapped in equal parts love, loss, and betrayal.
Chupeco pens the story with healthy doses of emotion and fear, and a mounting sense of dread that pulls the reader to the last page with an ever-increasing need to see the story through. This was a new to me author and the first in a series. I will be picking up the second one soon!
5 stars.
*I did listen to this on audible and the narration was fantastic!
by William Sterling
I honestly don’t know what to say about this one.
Can I just say “what the F@#K?” and “this gave me nightmares” and leave it at that?
No? Fine. Here you go then.
This was nightmare fuel.
· Gore-yes, loads of graphic, visceral descriptions that will haunt your dreams.
· Mystery and tension? Yup, got that too, by the bucket-loads.
· Relatable and human? Yup, checked that box. Grief, fear, despair, sorrow, fury, vengeance. All here.
My first by Sterling. Will NOT be my last. 4.5 stars.