Just wanted to drop a short reminder here of where all you can find me and books from Uncomfortably Dark!
For one, you can sign up here at the bottom of my Home page to subscribe to my blog! I post 3-4 times a week here, mostly my personal thoughts, tips, resources, and reviews on books I've recently read.
You will also see my cover reveals and hear first when I have a new release coming out! I also post my recent interviews, podcasts and live appearances on the home page!
For Uncomfortably Dark, the blog is posted to all social media daily and the newsletter goes out every other Sunday. If you join the newsletter at the link below, you will get an email for a free digital ePub with short stories and excerpts from this year's Uncomfortably Dark Authors!
The Uncomfortably Dark Patreon features content posted almost every day! Poetry and flash fiction from our authors, essays, musing, personal thoughts, plus our Cover Reveals go there first, as well as the Story in Progress series which is posted every Sunday.
The story in progress is a novel or novella that I am writing in weekly installments that are posted to Patreon, unedited. At the conclusion, all patrons, regardless of tier, receive the completed story in both ePub and paperback, before general release. This allows my patrons to see my process and work that goes into crafting a full story.
Patron tiers start at $3 a month, free merch is sent quarterly!
The top two tiers receive every release from Uncomfortably Dark and myself in digital or paperback format!
We now offer annual payments for every tier for those that prefer one and done billing!
Join below: