Today's post combines three recent reads, all from Christine Morgan. To say that I am a fan would be an understatement. I hope you are too and if not, please allow this review to convince you to add her to your TBR today.
Christine Morgan is one of the most underrated authors in the indie world. I will not add the word “horror” author here, as to try to define Christine in just one word would be criminal. There is no limit to her talent, range, wit, and imagination.
One story may have you feel as if you need to bleach your eyeballs and scrub your brain while the next will have you cackling like a loon and blushing like a church girl. The third may make you weep while the fourth leaves you cringing in horror. Every single story will leave you highly entertained and reaching for more, guaranteed.
I say all this to simply make my job here easier. I’ve recently binged several Morgan books, not my first rodeo by any means in the Morgan catalogue, and they were incredibly entertaining, creative, and disturbing in the most delightful ways.
None So Blind. 5 stars.
Buzzards and Bone. 5 stars
Around Eldritch Corners. 5 stars. (Upcoming release)
Buzzards and Bone: Western tales of terror - Kindle edition by Morgan, Christine. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.